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A look at the new Delphi 10 Seattle – El blog de cadetill
Nov 192015

Few weeks ago he was released the new Delphi 10 Seattle and after testing it, it’s time to make a summary.


The first thing we see when you open our 10 Seattle, is a marked improvement in the speed of opening. This is due to improvements in the use of memory (RAM consumption is not limited to 2GB, you can now use up to 4Gb).

Another great improvement in the IDE, is the integration of some features of Castalia, like clipboard history, structural highlighted by lines and others. Although some already had with CnPack, any help is appreciated at the time of coding!

Another great improvement in the IDE is the AutoRecover. Who has not lost a valuable changes when the IDE closes unexpectedly? With this new enhancement will be harder to lose those changes!

Are you bothered by non-visual components on the form? Now you can hide or show it from the Edit -> Hide Non-Visual Components menu.

Windows 10

10 Seattle is ready for Windows 10, both VCL and FMX platform.

In FMX it is easy, simply do not have to do anything. When our program detects that runs on Windows 10, automatically it will give to the controls the look of Windows 10.

Against, VCL brings 5 new components that we find in the Windows 10 tab (of course !!).

Besides these components, the VCL also brings the TSharingContract component, with which we can give support  the system mechanism for sharing information with other Windows 10 applications.

In VLC also we have new styles for Windows 10: Windows10, Windows10 Blue and Windows10 Dark.

FMX also brings these new styles: Win10Modern.Style, Win10ModernBlue.Style and Win10ModernDark.Style.


As is already customary in the latest installment of Delphi, FMX is the framework that brings more improvements. Among them we can highlight the possibility of Drag and Drop between OSX applications or improvements on the components such as TabControl or TCalendar.

As you can see, the list of improvements is long, so I encourage you to try this new version of Delphi. To learn more about these and other improvements from “our” Delphi, you can give a reading at docwiki from Embarcadero.

See you.

  2 Responses to “A look at the new Delphi 10 Seattle”

  1. Hola amigo

    Hay muchas cosas novedosas y son desperdicio, yo también estoy iniciando una serie de artículos que hablan precisamente del nuevo IDE y ya veremos hasta donde me alcanza.

    Saludos 🙂

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